Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Enhance digital sales and marketing presentations with AI curation and built-in CRM. logo

AI-powered voice and video curation

Built-in CRM and stats tracking

Real-time presentation updates and collaboration Pricing is a platform designed to enhance presentations by making them interactive and capable of functioning as a digital sales and marketing tool. It offers features that allow presentations to be shared widely, tracked for viewer engagement, and integrated with various communication and scheduling tools. The service aims to empower sales and marketing teams by turning presentations into smart, interactive digital sales funnels.

Pricing Overview offers three main pricing tiers to accommodate different user needs: a Free Trial, a Pro Plan, and an Enterprise Plan. Each plan is structured to provide more features and resources as the price increases, catering to individual professionals, business professionals, and larger enterprise teams, respectively.

Free Trial

  • Cost: $0
  • Duration: 30 days
  • Features:
    • Presentation upload and hosting
    • Unique & customizable presentation link
    • Sharing options to various social platforms and messaging apps
    • Website embedding capabilities
    • Viewer statistics tracking
    • Viewer access control
    • Email embedding of presentations
    • Integration with MailChimp and various email servers
    • Browser plugins for Gmail and Outlook
    • Email history and stats tracking
    • Management of email recipient lists
    • Personalized contact vCard
    • Customizable company subdomain and logo
    • Multiple branding support
    • Scheduling meetings from within the presentation
    • Integration with popular video conferencing tools and calendars
    • Audio and video curation tools
    • Slide management and PDF export
    • Team collaboration features
  • Limits:
    • File storage space: 100 MB
    • Email quota via DeckBird server: 1,000 emails/month
    • Email quota via personal email servers: Unlimited
    • Bandwidth: Standard

Pro Plan

  • Cost: $60 per user/month with monthly billing or $50 per user/month with annual billing
  • Target Users: Business professionals
  • Features: Includes all the features from the Free Trial with the following enhancements:
    • Increased file storage space: 1 GB
    • Higher email quota via DeckBird server: 10,000 emails/month/user
    • Prioritized bandwidth and CDN support
  • Additional Benefits:
    • The Pro Plan is designed for more intensive use and offers additional resources to support higher volumes of presentations and communications.

Enterprise Plan

  • Cost: Custom pricing, contact required
  • Target Users: Company-wide multiple teams
  • Features: Includes all the features from the Pro Plan with the following enhancements:
    • Unlimited file storage space
    • Unlimited email quota via DeckBird server
    • Dedicated bandwidth
  • Additional Benefits:
    • The Enterprise Plan is tailored for large organizations with multiple teams, offering the most comprehensive set of features and resources without any caps on usage.
    • It provides a scalable solution for companies looking for a presentation platform that can grow with their needs.

Plan Comparison and Considerations

When choosing between the different pricing tiers, potential users should consider the scale of their needs and the resources they require. The Free Trial offers a no-cost way to experience the full range of features, but with limitations on file storage and email quotas that may not be suitable for users with high demands.

The Pro Plan is a step up, designed for individual business professionals who need more resources and priority service. It offers a significant increase in email quota and file storage, as well as improved bandwidth, making it suitable for users who rely heavily on presentations for sales and marketing purposes.

For larger organizations, the Enterprise Plan provides a custom solution with unlimited resources, ensuring that teams can operate without worrying about hitting any limits. This plan is ideal for companies that require a high level of customization, support, and scalability.

In summary, offers a range of pricing options to suit different types of users, from individuals testing the waters with a Free Trial to large enterprises seeking a comprehensive solution. Each plan is designed to provide the tools and resources necessary to turn presentations into effective digital sales and marketing assistants.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial