Taskade Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Boost productivity with real-time collaboration and task management.

Taskade logo

Cross-platform accessibility

Mind Map view for visualizing work

Library of over 500+ customizable templates

Taskade Description

Taskade is a cross-platform tool designed to streamline your work and keep everyone on the same page. It allows you to collaborate in real-time, add new tasks, set reminders, and keep all your tasks organized in one place. With unlimited project sharing and workspace collaboration, it's a great tool for managing your work, whether you're on your mobile device, desktop, or in your web browser. Beyond just task management, Taskade also offers features like a powerful Mind Map view for visualizing work and a library of over 500+ customizable templates. It's also equipped with a universal My Tasks and Calendar to help you keep track of your tasks across all projects and workspaces. With Taskade, you can build your own custom productivity system and take control of your to-dos.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Taskade Detailed Review

Taskade's cross-platform functionality is a major selling point. Whether you're on your desktop, mobile device, or using a web browser, you can access your projects and tasks from anywhere. This is particularly useful for teams that are spread out geographically or working remotely. It's also handy for those moments when you're out and about and need to quickly check in on a project or add a new task. The native apps for mobile and desktop, along with the web clipper/new tab browser extension, make it easy to use Taskade on-the-go.

One of the standout features of Taskade is its customizability. Each to-do list can be tailored to your liking, and you can choose to keep it private or share it with your team. The ability to organize tasks, assign them to team members, and view them in different ways (like a Kanban Board or Mind Map) is a big plus. You can even chat and video call right within the app, which is a nice touch for facilitating communication within teams.

Taskade also shines when it comes to managing multiple teams. You can create separate workspaces for different teams within a single account, which can help keep things organized and prevent information overload. This is especially useful for larger organizations or businesses with multiple departments.

The integration with top calendar services is another great feature. Being able to share project calendars and workspaces with your team can help ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done. The print and export feature is also handy for taking your work with you or displaying it on your wall.

However, Taskade is not without its drawbacks. While it's great for managing tasks and projects, it may not be robust enough for more complex project management needs. For example, it lacks advanced features like Gantt charts and time tracking, which can be important for larger, more complex projects. Additionally, while the app is free to get started, some features are only available with a paid subscription.

Overall, Taskade is a solid tool for managing tasks and projects. It's easy to use, customizable, and cross-platform, making it a good choice for teams of all sizes. However, if you need more advanced project management features, you may want to look elsewhere. As for pricing, Taskade is free to get started, with paid plans starting at $8 per user per month.