Relay Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Automate repetitive tasks and streamline collaboration across SaaS platforms.

Relay logo

Unlimited playbooks and automations

Integrates with Google Groups, Airtable, Zoom, and more

Responsive customer support with rapid issue resolution

Relay Description

Relay is a workflow automation tool that aims to streamline the way teams handle their processes and tasks. It integrates with a variety of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, allowing users to create custom playbooks that automate repetitive tasks across different platforms. With Relay, businesses can connect tools like Google Groups, Airtable, and Zoom, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. The platform offers a tiered pricing model, which includes a free version and paid plans that cater to startups and enterprises alike, promising unlimited playbooks and automations within each tier. One of the key selling points of Relay is its customer support, which boasts rapid response times and same-day issue resolution. For enterprise customers, Relay also offers accelerated development for critical integration and feature requests. This level of support, combined with the ability to automate various tasks without hitting a paywall for adding steps or integrations, makes Relay a potentially valuable asset for businesses looking to optimize their workflows.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Relay Detailed Review

Diving deeper into Relay, it's evident that the tool is designed with flexibility and scalability in mind. Users can create playbooks that automate tasks ranging from simple data entry to complex multi-step workflows involving various SaaS products. The ability to run these automations as often as needed without additional costs is a huge plus for businesses with high-volume needs. Moreover, Relay's integration capabilities are quite extensive, covering popular services like Google Groups, Airtable, and even AI models from OpenAI, which can be a game-changer for teams relying on AI-driven insights.

Relay's user interface is intuitive, making it accessible for users who may not have a technical background. The drag-and-drop playbook builder allows for quick setup of automations, and the dashboard provides a clear overview of what's happening at any given moment. However, some users might find the initial setup to be a bit overwhelming due to the sheer number of options and integrations available. Additionally, while Relay's customer support is top-notch, users who prefer self-service resources may find the knowledge base and tutorials lacking in depth.

When it comes to pricing, Relay offers a competitive edge, especially when compared to a giant like Zapier. The flat fee pricing for the Unlimited plan is particularly attractive for larger teams and enterprises, as it provides cost predictability and the freedom to scale operations without worrying about increasing costs. The free tier is also robust, offering more tasks per month than Zapier's free plan, which could be a deciding factor for small businesses and individuals.

Use cases for Relay are diverse. For instance, HR departments can significantly reduce the time spent on onboarding new employees by automating the distribution of documents and tasks. Marketing teams can benefit from Relay by setting up workflows that sync data between CRM systems and marketing tools, ensuring that campaigns are based on the latest information. Additionally, Relay can be a boon for app developers and publishers, as it can automate the monitoring and analysis of user reviews on the Google Play Store.

However, no tool is without its drawbacks. Some users may find the lack of certain niche integrations a limitation, and while Relay's customer support is responsive, the reliance on chat and email may not suit all users. Furthermore, the advanced features and customizations available on the Unlimited plan might be overkill for smaller teams or individual users, who may not need such extensive capabilities.

In conclusion, Relay is a powerful workflow automation tool that offers a wide range of integrations and a user-friendly interface. Its pricing model is attractive, especially for those looking for unlimited automations at a flat rate. While it may have a steeper learning curve for some and may not offer every niche integration on the market, its strengths in customer support, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it a strong contender in the automation space. For businesses looking to automate their workflows and enhance collaboration across various SaaS platforms, Relay is certainly worth considering.