Dux-Soup Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

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Multi-channel strategies and centralized prospect management

Dux-Soup Pricing

Dux-Soup is an AI-powered automation tool designed to help users generate fresh and qualified LinkedIn leads to enhance their sales pipeline. The tool offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you are an individual user, part of a team, or an agency, Dux-Soup has a plan that suits your requirements. Let's take a closer look at the pricing details:

Individual Plans

Dux-Soup offers three individual plans: Starter Dux, Pro Dux, and Turbo Dux. These plans are tailored for individual users who want to leverage the power of Dux-Soup for their personal LinkedIn activities. Here are the details of each plan:

Starter Dux:

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • Visit profiles
    • Manually tag profiles

Pro Dux:

  • Price: $14.99/month with monthly billing or $11.25/month with yearly billing
  • Features:
    • Scan/visit profiles
    • Send connection requests
    • Send direct messages and InMails
    • Auto endorse
    • Auto tag profiles
    • Export to CSV
    • Import CSV list

Turbo Dux:

  • Price: $55.00/month with monthly billing or $41.25/month with yearly billing
  • Features:
    • Scan/visit profiles
    • Send connection requests
    • Send connection follow-up messages
    • Send direct messages and InMails
    • Auto endorse
    • Auto tag profiles
    • Export to CSV
    • Import CSV list

Team Plans

For teams that require collaboration and coordination, Dux-Soup offers two team plans: Pro Edition and Turbo Edition. These plans provide additional features and flexibility to meet the needs of team-based LinkedIn activities. Here are the details of each plan:

Pro Edition:

  • Price: $14.99/month per seat with monthly billing or $11.25/month per seat with yearly billing
  • Features:
    • 1+ seats (input # seats required at checkout)
    • Add additional seats as needed, pro-rated
    • Consolidated billing
    • License administration

Turbo Edition:

  • Price: $55.00/month per seat with monthly billing or $41.25/month per seat with yearly billing
  • Features:
    • Team campaigns
    • 1+ seats (input # seats required at checkout)
    • Add additional seats as needed, pro-rated
    • Consolidated billing
    • License administration
    • Unlimited concurrent drip campaigns
    • Add up to 12 actions per campaign
    • Enroll directly from LinkedIn/Hubspot/Pipedrive
    • Analyze campaign statistics

Agency Plans

For agencies that handle multiple clients and require advanced features, Dux-Soup offers two agency plans: Pro and Turbo. These plans are designed to meet the specific needs of agencies and provide additional capabilities for managing client accounts. Here are the details of each plan:


  • Price: Starting from $337.50/month
  • Features:
    • Metered billing - only pay for what you use
    • 30+ client seats
    • Monthly consolidated billing
    • Discounted monthly rates
    • License administration
    • Automatic High Flyer Status


  • Price: Starting from $412.50/month
  • Features:
    • Metered billing - only pay for what you use
    • 10+ client seats
    • Monthly consolidated billing
    • Discounted monthly rates
    • License administration
    • Automatic High Flyer Status
    • Unlimited concurrent drip campaigns
    • Add up to 12 actions per campaign
    • Qualify leads in/out of funnel
    • Reflow leads back into campaigns
    • Analyze campaign statistics

It's worth noting that Dux-Soup offers a 14-day free trial, allowing users to explore the tool's capabilities before committing to a paid plan. The free trial does not require a credit card, making it easy for users to get started without any financial commitment.

In summary, Dux-Soup provides a range of pricing plans to cater to individual users, teams, and agencies. With features such as profile scanning, connection requests, direct messaging, and advanced campaign management, Dux-Soup offers a comprehensive set of tools to enhance LinkedIn lead generation efforts.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial