Diffbot Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Extract and structure web data into a usable Knowledge Graph.

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Autonomous Knowledge Graph

Developer-friendly APIs

Free access for students and academics

Diffbot Description

Diffbot is like a digital librarian for the internet, tirelessly cataloging information from web pages into a massive database known as the Knowledge Graph. This isn't just any database; it's structured to reflect how we think about the world, with facts about organizations, articles, people, places, and products. What sets Diffbot apart is its autonomous nature; it doesn't rely on humans to keep it updated, which means it's always fresh and ready for action. Whether you're into monitoring global information or researching online privacy, Diffbot's got the data to back you up. And for the students and academics out there, get this: Diffbot is throwing open the doors to its data treasure trove for free. That's right, if you're eligible, you can dive into the entire suite of Diffbot products without spending a dime. Plus, you get to show off your projects on their site, get peer reviews, and join a private forum to collaborate with others. It's like having a backstage pass to one of the coolest data shows in town.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Diffbot Detailed Review

Let's dive deeper into Diffbot, the tool that's making waves in the world of web data extraction and analysis. At its core, Diffbot is all about turning the chaotic sea of web content into a neatly organized database. Imagine the web as a sprawling library with books tossed haphazardly on shelves, and Diffbot is the meticulous librarian putting everything in order. It uses machine learning to read and understand web pages, then extracts and structures this information into its Knowledge Graph. This isn't just a static pile of data; it's a living, breathing database that grows and evolves autonomously.

Now, you might be wondering, 'What can I actually do with Diffbot?' Well, the possibilities are pretty vast. For starters, e-commerce businesses can track product categories, monitor prices, and manage their inventories. They can also mine user reviews to get the scoop on what customers think about their products and competitors. But it's not just for e-commerce. Researchers can tap into the Knowledge Graph for academic projects, and companies can use it to build out their own databases or enhance their products with rich data.

One of the standout features of Diffbot is its ability to read websites like a human. It doesn't just scrape the surface; it understands the content of web pages. This means you can extract detailed product attributes, like weight, color, and brand, without having to specify what you're looking for. It's like having a super-smart assistant who knows exactly what you need before you even ask. And for those who are a bit more hands-on, Diffbot offers a suite of APIs that let you build your own applications on top of their Knowledge Graph.

But let's get real for a second. No tool is perfect, and Diffbot is no exception. While it's incredibly powerful, it can be a bit overwhelming for beginners. There's a learning curve to understanding how to best leverage its capabilities. And while the pricing is competitive, it might be a bit steep for smaller businesses or individual developers just starting out. However, the free access program for students and academics is a game-changer, offering a valuable resource for education and research.

Speaking of pricing, Diffbot offers several plans to suit different needs and budgets. The Startup Plan is great for small teams and comes in at $299 per month. It includes access to the Extract API, Datacenter Proxies, and the Knowledge Graph Search, among other features. If you need more firepower, the Plus Plan at $899 per month gives you more credits and additional features like Bulk Extract and more active crawls. For the big players, there's the Enterprise Plan with custom pricing and a suite of managed solutions.

One thing that users love about Diffbot is the quality of life touches. The APIs are developer-friendly and RESTful, making integration a breeze. The data billing is stress-free, with a generous two-week free trial that doesn't require a credit card. And if you need to scale up, Diffbot is insanely scalable, allowing you to export millions of records as fast as your internet can handle.

Customer support is another strong point. Users have reported positive interactions with the Diffbot team, highlighting their responsiveness and willingness to incorporate feedback. The team's dedication to customer success is evident, and they're always on hand to help with custom data dashboards or managed data pipelines.

In practice, companies like Centrly have found Diffbot to be a valuable partner. They've been able to focus on their unique value-add instead of spending resources on collecting baseline company information. The "Diffbot button" integration allows them to quickly pull in data as needed, streamlining their processes.

To sum it up, Diffbot is a powerful tool for anyone needing to harness web data. It's particularly beneficial for e-commerce tracking, research, and building out data-rich applications. While it may be a bit complex and pricey for some, the value it provides, especially with its free access program for students and academics, is undeniable. If you're looking to organize the web's knowledge and put it to work for you, Diffbot is definitely worth considering.