Cube Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Connect data silos, create consistent metrics, and deliver data experiences.

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Connects many data sources to many front-end tools

Provides a universal semantic layer

Offers a developer-friendly platform

Cube Description

Cube is a universal semantic layer that connects data silos, creates consistent metrics, and makes them accessible to any data experience your business or customers need. It's a developer-friendly platform used by data engineers and application developers to organize data from cloud data warehouses into centralized, consistent definitions, and deliver it to every downstream tool via its APIs. Cube's main goal is to make business data consistent, accurate, easy to access, and most importantly, trusted. It accelerates the use of data throughout your organization, delivering better experiences to your customers and driving intelligence back into the business. It's a tool that's used by thousands of companies worldwide to power customer-facing analytics and internal business intelligence tools.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Cube Detailed Review

Alright, let's dive a bit deeper into Cube and what it's bringing to the table. Imagine you've got data scattered across different platforms and tools. It's like having a bunch of puzzle pieces spread out, and you're trying to see the big picture. Cube's semantic layer is like the friend who comes over and helps you sort all those pieces into the right places. It's a game-changer because it lets you define your metrics once, and then it keeps them consistent across all your apps and tools. This means your data is not just centralized; it's also speaking the same language everywhere, which is super handy.

Now, when it comes to keeping your data on lockdown, Cube's got your back with its data access control. It's like having a bouncer at the door of a club, making sure only the VIPs—aka the right people—get access to the metrics they need. This is crucial for any business that wants to keep its data safe and sound, and Cube handles this upstream, so by the time the data gets to your apps, it's already secure.

Caching is another cool feature Cube offers. It's like having a super-efficient assistant who remembers all the important stuff so you don't have to keep asking for it. This means your apps are always up to date with the latest info, but without the high costs or the wait time. It's all about getting that data fast and not breaking the bank while you're at it.

And let's talk about those Instant APIs. Cube is pretty much handing you the keys to the kingdom here. You can hook up your data to visualization tools, dashboards, and even custom interfaces without breaking a sweat. It's like plug-and-play, but for complex data stuff. This is a huge time-saver for developers who want to create a killer user experience without reinventing the wheel.

Now, onto the use cases. Cube isn't just a one-trick pony. It's got a range of uses that can seriously boost your data game. From embedding analytics into your apps to powering real-time analytics, it's all about making your data work harder and smarter. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for your data needs, which is pretty awesome when you think about it.

But let's get real for a second. No tool is perfect, and Cube is no exception. While it's got a lot going for it, there might be a bit of a learning curve, especially if you're new to the whole semantic layer concept. And if you're a smaller business or just starting out, the pricing might give you pause. It's definitely an investment, so you've got to weigh the benefits against the cost.

Speaking of costs, let's touch on Cube's pricing plans. They've got a Starter Plan that's like dipping your toes in the water. It's great for trying things out without committing too much cash. But there's a query limit, so if you're data-hungry, you might hit that ceiling pretty quick.

Then there's the Premium Plan, which is a step up and designed for small-scale production. You get more reliability and some extra features like custom domains and unlimited queries, which is great if you're ramping up your operations.

For the big players, there's the Enterprise Plan. This is where things get serious with even higher reliability and security features like dedicated VPC and SSO with SAML 2.0. It's for deployments that need that extra level of control and observability.

And if you're really going all out, there's the Enterprise Premier Plan. This is the custom-tailored suit of plans, designed for large-scale, mission-critical deployments. You get the best SLA and all the bells and whistles, but you'll have to chat with Cube to get the pricing on this one.

Now, what's a Cube Compute Unit, you ask? Think of it as a way to keep track of your resource consumption. It's like having an electricity meter for your data usage. You pay for what you use, and it's measured in 5-minute intervals, so you're always in control of your spending. It's a transparent way to handle pricing, which is pretty refreshing.

In conclusion, Cube is like a Swiss Army knife for your data. It's got a ton of features that can help you make sense of your data, keep it secure, and use it in powerful ways. But it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the pricing reflects that. It's worth considering if you're serious about leveraging your data and have the budget to back it up. Just make sure you're ready to climb that learning curve and take full advantage of what Cube has to offer.