Write Me A Cover Letter Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Generate a personalized cover letter quickly and easily.

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Human-reviewed and edited cover letters

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Write Me A Cover Letter Pricing

Write Me A Cover Letter is an AI-powered tool that promises to create a cover letter for you in seconds. The process is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is upload your resume, provide a link to the job you're applying for, and provide your email address. Once you've completed these steps, the tool generates a cover letter for you. Every cover letter is reviewed and edited by a human to ensure its quality and perfection. Let's take a closer look at the pricing details of this tool.

Write Me A Cover Letter offers its services at a fixed price of $49.99. While this may seem on the expensive side for an AI tool, it's important to consider the value it provides. The tool not only generates a cover letter for you but also includes the expertise of a human editor. This additional layer of review and editing ensures that your cover letter is polished and tailored to your specific needs.

It's worth mentioning that due to the high demand for the service, there might be a delay in receiving your cover letter. The website acknowledges this and states that it might take a couple of hours to receive your cover letter. However, they assure users that they are actively working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible.

One aspect that potential users should be aware of is the lack of a free trial. Unlike some other AI tools that offer a trial period or a limited version for free, Write Me A Cover Letter does not provide this option. This means that users will need to commit to the service and pay the full price upfront without having the opportunity to test it out beforehand.

In conclusion, Write Me A Cover Letter is an AI tool that aims to simplify the cover letter writing process. With its quick and easy process, combined with the human touch of a professional editor, it offers a comprehensive solution for those serious about job hunting. However, it's important to consider the pricing, which may be on the expensive side for some users. Additionally, the lack of a free trial means that users will need to make a commitment without the opportunity to test the service beforehand.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial