Wondercraft Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2025

Transform written content into high-quality podcasts.

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High-quality text-to-speech technology

Affiliate program with 30% commission

Easy to use interface

Wondercraft Pricing

Wondercraft offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs. First off, their free plan is a great way to try out the platform and see if it suits your needs. The free plan allows for 3 minutes of generated audio, but does not include features such as voice cloning, show notes, and it comes with a Wondercraft watermark.

The Creator plan, aimed at individual creators, costs $34 per month and includes 1 hour of generated audio, instant voice cloning, podcast hosting, autogenerated show notes, removal of the Wondercraft watermark, 5 captioned audiogram videos per month, and allows for 2 podcasts per account.

The Pro plan, designed for small businesses (1-10 people), costs $109 per month and includes all the features of the Creator plan plus 5 hours of generated audio, 20 captioned audiogram videos per month, short captioned clips for socials, automatic podcast translation, API access, Zapier integration, episode scheduling, and allows for 5 podcasts per account.

The Enterprise plan, for larger businesses and publications, includes all the Pro plan features plus 5+ hours of generated audio, unlimited podcast videos, custom invoicing, full-service podcasting, onboarding and training, and a business commercial license. The pricing for the Enterprise plan is not specified. If you are a business, there is an additional monthly fee for a commercial license to publish the podcast, but discounts or waivers may be available for small businesses.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial