Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Repurpose video content for social media growth. logo

AI-powered video editing

Content repurposing

Over 100 video templates Description is a tool designed to help content creators, podcasters, agencies, and content marketing teams repurpose their video content. It uses artificial intelligence to automatically select, edit, and caption top moments from your videos, making it easier to share more content from your main videos on social media. You can upload a video from your computer or use a YouTube link, set your preferences for platforms, formats, and templates, and then get customized short videos within minutes. The tool also offers over 100 templates for videos, including all major social platforms. It's a simple and efficient way to grow your online presence and supercharge your video content without needing to rely on agencies or freelancers.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial Detailed Review

So, who exactly can benefit from Well, this tool is a godsend for content creators, podcasters, agencies, and content marketing teams. It's especially useful for those who are looking to repurpose their video content for social media. If you've got a long-form video, can chop it up into bite-sized pieces perfect for Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. It's like having your own personal video editor, but without the hefty price tag or the time-consuming back-and-forths.

The real magic of lies in its artificial intelligence. This isn't just a simple video cutter. The AI analyzes your video, selects the top moments, and then edits and captions them. This means you're not just getting random snippets of your video, but the parts that are most likely to engage your audience. Plus, it does all this in minutes, not hours. Imagine being able to turn a 2-hour podcast or webinar into a week's worth of social media content in less than 30 minutes. That's the power of

But let's talk about the elephant in the room: the price. While offers a limited free plan, this is primarily a paid tool. The subscription plans are not cheap, but considering what they offer, they will be cost-effective for many. There are different pricing tiers depending on your needs, starting from $29.99 per month. For that price, you get access to all the features, including AI editing, and access to all the templates. If you're a heavy user, there are also premium plans that offer more perks.

Now, no tool is perfect, and is no exception. One downside is that while the AI is pretty good at selecting the top moments from your video, it's not always spot on. Sometimes, it might miss a moment you think is important, or include one that's not. But remember, this is AI we're talking about, not a human editor. It's not going to understand the nuances of your content the way a human would. That said, is constantly learning and improving, so this is likely to become less of an issue over time.

Another potential con is that while offers over 100 templates, the customization options are somewhat limited. You can't create your own templates or tweak the existing ones beyond changing the text and colors. This might be a deal-breaker for some, but for most people, the existing templates should be more than enough.

In conclusion, is a powerful tool that can save you a ton of time and effort when it comes to repurposing your video content. It's not perfect, but for the price, it offers incredible value. If you're a content creator looking to maximize your content and grow your online presence, is definitely worth checking out.