StealthGPT Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Assist with content creation and avoid plagiarism.

StealthGPT logo

Original content generation

Multilingual capabilities

Variety of plans with different monthly word limits

StealthGPT Pricing

StealthGPT offers a free trial, allowing users to enjoy 2 free uses without signing in. To access advanced features like Stealth Tutor and Essay Writer, users need to create a free account and they will receive an additional 2 uses.

Beyond the trial, StealthGPT offers three pricing plans to cater to different user needs. The Essential plan is priced at $14.99 per month and is designed for creators who are just starting out and want to get their content out there. This plan is great for new creators, small businesses, and content creators. With the Essential plan, users get access to features like 100,000 words per month, instant response time, and the ability to beat Turnitin, GPTZero, and more. Users also have access to the Infinity Stealth Engine and the proprietary Standard Stealth Engine. Additionally, they can process up to 750 words on the Infinity Engine. For an additional $4.99 per month, users can upgrade to the Stealth Samurai Engine.

The Pro plan is priced at $19.99 per month and is suitable for professionals who are already using AI to produce a high volume of content. This plan is ideal for SEO specialists, blog editors, and growing creators. With the Pro plan, users get access to features like 500,000 words per month, instant response time, and the ability to beat Turnitin, GPTZero, and more. Users also have access to the Infinity Stealth Engine and the proprietary Standard Stealth Engine. They can process up to 1,500 words on the Infinity Engine. Similar to the Essential plan, users can upgrade to the Stealth Samurai Engine for an additional $4.99 per month.

The Exclusive plan is priced at $29.99 per month and is also targeted towards professionals who require peace of mind that their writings won't be penalized for AI. This plan is suitable for SEO specialists, blog editors, and growing creators. With the Exclusive plan, users get access to features like 1,000,000 words per month, instant response time, and the ability to beat Turnitin, GPTZero, and more. Users have access to the Infinity Stealth Engine and the proprietary Standard Stealth Engine, and they can process up to 2,000 words on the Infinity Engine. The option to upgrade to the Stealth Samurai Engine for $4.99 per month is also available.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial