Lightning Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

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Lightning Pricing

Lightning is a powerful platform that offers developers the ability to train, deploy, and monitor PyTorch AI models. Here, we will delve into the pricing details of Lightning, providing an overview of the available plans and the associated costs.

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan offered by Lightning is designed to cater to the needs of students, developers, and researchers. This plan provides a flexible and pay-as-you-go pricing structure, allowing users to utilize the platform without any minimum commitments. One of the key advantages of the Basic Plan is that it offers a free tier, enabling users to get started without incurring any costs.

Free Tier

The free tier of the Basic Plan provides users with 30 free credits per month. These credits can be used to run GPU/CPU workloads and run apps on the Lightning platform. It is important to note that each credit is equivalent to $1, providing a clear and transparent pricing model.

Compute Pricing

Under the Basic Plan, Lightning offers a range of instance types, including CPUs and GPUs, to cater to diverse computational requirements. The compute pricing varies depending on the specific instance type chosen. Here are some examples of the compute pricing for different instance types:

  • 8 CPUs: 1.0 credits / hour
  • 1 A10g GPU 24 GB: 2.2 credits / hour
  • 1 T4 GPU 16 GB: 1.5 credits / hour
  • 1 V100 GPU 16 GB: 4.08 credits / hour
  • 4 A10g GPU 24 GB: 7.09 credits / hour
  • 4 V100 GPUs 16 GB: 15.3 credits / hour
  • 8 A100 GPUs 80 GB: 36.41 credits / hour

These pricing examples provide a glimpse into the cost associated with utilizing different compute resources on the Lightning platform. It is worth noting that the pricing is based on an hourly rate, allowing users to have fine-grained control over their expenses.

Storage Pricing

In addition to compute resources, Lightning also offers storage options to meet the data storage needs of users. The storage pricing is separate from the compute pricing and is based on the amount of storage utilized. Here are some examples of the storage pricing:

  • First 10 GB: free
  • 400 GB: 3.90 credits / month
  • 4 TB: 39.90 credits / month
  • 10 TB: 99.90 credits / month

The free tier of the storage plan provides users with an initial 10 GB of storage at no cost. Beyond that, users can choose from different storage tiers based on their requirements, with the pricing increasing as the storage capacity increases.

Enterprise Plan

For users with enterprise-grade AI needs, Lightning offers an Enterprise Plan that provides additional features and support. This plan is tailored to meet the demands of large-scale AI projects and offers enhanced capabilities to ensure smooth operations.


The Enterprise Plan includes access to 15+ high-end instance types, allowing users to leverage powerful computational resources for their AI workloads. Additionally, users can utilize their own AWS credentials, providing flexibility and control over their cloud infrastructure. The plan also includes 24/7 expert support, ensuring that users have access to assistance whenever they need it. Furthermore, Lightning can be deployed within the user's own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), offering enhanced security and control over the AI infrastructure. Custom Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are available to meet specific business requirements.

Custom Pricing and Discounts

The Enterprise Plan offers the flexibility of custom pricing and discounts. This allows organizations to negotiate pricing based on their specific needs and usage patterns. Custom pricing ensures that users can optimize their costs and align them with their budgetary constraints.


Lightning provides a range of pricing options to cater to the diverse needs of its users. The Basic Plan offers a free tier with 30 credits per month, allowing users to get started without any upfront costs. The compute pricing varies based on the instance type chosen, providing flexibility and control over expenses. Storage options are also available, with the first 10 GB being offered for free. For enterprise-grade AI projects, the Enterprise Plan offers additional features, support, and the ability to negotiate custom pricing and discounts. With its transparent pricing structure and flexible plans, Lightning aims to provide an accessible and cost-effective platform for training, deploying, and monitoring PyTorch AI models.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial