Khan Academy Khanmigo Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Enhance learning with personalized tutoring and real-time feedback.

Khan Academy Khanmigo logo

Personalized tutoring

Real-time feedback

Interactive learning experiences

Khan Academy Khanmigo Description

Khanmigo, a tool developed by Khan Academy, is designed to revolutionize the learning experience. It acts as a personalized tutor, providing prompts and suggestions to help students progress in their writing, debating, and collaborative skills. The tool also offers interactive experiences and real-time feedback for learning computer science, making coding more accessible than ever before. However, access to Khanmigo comes at a cost. To cover the expenses of using GPT-4, Khan Academy asks for a monthly donation of $9 or an annual donation of $99. This contribution not only grants access to Khanmigo's personalized learning but also supports the nonprofit's mission to make education free and accessible for all. If you're unable to make a donation, you can still stay updated on AI and future testing opportunities by subscribing to the Khan Labs newsletter.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Khan Academy Khanmigo Detailed Review

Khanmigo is a unique tool that brings the benefits of personalized tutoring to the digital realm. It's like having a writing coach and computer science tutor rolled into one, available 24/7. This AI-powered guide provides prompts and suggestions to help students improve their writing, debating, and collaborative skills. It's not just about giving answers, but about guiding students to find the answers themselves, a feature that fosters deep understanding and critical thinking.

The tool also offers interactive experiences and real-time feedback for learning computer science. Coding has never been more accessible, and with Khanmigo, students can learn at their own pace, receiving immediate feedback on their work. This real-time feedback is a game-changer as it allows learners to correct mistakes and understand concepts as they go along, rather than waiting for a teacher's feedback days later.

Khanmigo also empowers educators by providing AI-guided lesson planning and insightful student feedback. This feature is a boon for teachers, freeing up their most limited resource—time. However, it's worth noting that while AI can provide valuable insights, it can't replace the human touch and intuition that a teacher brings to lesson planning and student feedback.

Access to Khanmigo comes at a cost, with a monthly donation of $9 or an annual donation of $99. This pricing model may be a barrier for some, but it's important to remember that the contribution supports Khan Academy's mission to make education free and accessible for all. Plus, the value that Khanmigo brings in terms of personalized learning and skill development is well worth the investment.

In conclusion, Khanmigo is a powerful tool for both students and teachers. It's not without its limitations, but its strengths—personalized learning, real-time feedback, and AI-guided lesson planning—make it a valuable addition to the digital learning landscape.