GPTZero Review 2025: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Detect if a document was written by an AI.

GPTZero logo

Detects AI on sentence, paragraph, and document levels

Provides a description of the detection result

Offers a Chrome Extension for on-the-go detection

GPTZero Description

GPTZero is a top-notch AI detector that checks if a document was written by a large language model like ChatGPT. It's capable of detecting AI on sentence, paragraph, and document levels. The model was trained on a vast and diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, primarily focusing on English prose. It's been used by over 2.5 million users worldwide and is trusted by more than 100 organizations in various sectors including education, hiring, publishing, and legal. To use GPTZero, you simply paste the text you want to check or upload your file, and it will return an overall detection for your document. It also highlights sentences where AI has been detected. Unlike other detectors, GPTZero helps you interpret the results with a description of the result, rather than just returning a number. For larger texts or a batch of files, you can sign up for a free account on their Dashboard. There's also a Chrome Extension, Origin, for on-the-go detection.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

GPTZero Detailed Review

GPTZero has carved out a niche for itself as an AI detector that's both reliable and user-friendly. Its ability to detect AI-generated content at various levels - sentence, paragraph, and document - is a testament to its versatility. The tool's effectiveness is backed by its training on a large and diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a special focus on English prose. This makes it a valuable asset for anyone looking to verify the authenticity of a piece of writing.

One of the standout features of GPTZero is its user-friendly interface. You simply paste the text you want to check or upload your file, and it does the rest. It not only detects AI-generated content but also helps interpret the results with a description, making it easier for users to understand the findings. This is a significant step up from other detectors that merely return a number.

GPTZero's use cases are broad and varied. It's been utilized by over 2.5 million users worldwide and is trusted by more than 100 organizations in sectors such as education, hiring, publishing, and legal. This wide-ranging application is a testament to its effectiveness and reliability. Whether you're a student looking to verify the authenticity of an academic paper or a hiring manager wanting to ensure a candidate's resume is genuine, GPTZero is a handy tool to have.

However, no tool is perfect, and GPTZero is no exception. While it's been praised for its accuracy, there may be instances where it could potentially flag genuine human writing as AI-generated or vice versa. Also, while it's primarily focused on English prose, users may find its effectiveness reduced when dealing with content in other languages.

As for pricing, GPTZero offers a free account for checking larger texts or a batch of files, which is a great option for users who need to use the tool frequently. For on-the-go detection, there's also a Chrome Extension, Origin, which allows you to scan an entire page in one click. Users who want to unlock the full range of features can sign up for one of the paid plans, starting from $15 per month.

In conclusion, GPTZero is a robust and user-friendly AI detector with a wide range of applications. While it has its limitations, its pros significantly outweigh its cons, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to verify the authenticity of written content.