Coverler Review 2024: What It Is, How to Use It & Is It Worth It?

Generate personalized cover letters in minutes.

Coverler logo

Upload your resume instead of typing in your skills and experiences

AI engine highlights your fit for each job

Create unlimited versions of each letter

Coverler Description

Coverler is an AI-powered tool that generates personalized cover letters in minutes. It saves you time by allowing you to upload your resume instead of typing in your skills and experiences. The AI engine selects the best facts to prove you're the best fit for each job, and you can create unlimited versions of each letter. With Coverler, you can easily create well-crafted and tailored cover letters that help you stand out in the competitive job market.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial

Coverler Detailed Review

Coverler is a real time-saver for job seekers. It's particularly useful for those who struggle with writing or simply don't have the time to craft individual cover letters for each job application. The AI does the heavy lifting, selecting the most relevant information from your resume to create a personalized cover letter. This means you can apply to multiple jobs quickly and efficiently, without the hassle of writing and editing each letter.

One of the standout features of Coverler is the ability to create unlimited versions of each letter. This is a game-changer for those applying to multiple jobs in different sectors. You can tailor your cover letter to each specific job, increasing your chances of landing an interview. Plus, the AI engine describes you in the best way, making your cover letter sound professional and polished.

Coverler also offers a recruiter service, which is a nice touch. If you opt for the Standard or Premium plan, you can have your letters polished by a recruiter. This can give you an edge in the job market, as your cover letter will be reviewed and enhanced by a professional.

However, Coverler is not without its drawbacks. While the AI does a great job of creating tailored cover letters, it's not perfect. Some users may find that the letters don't fully capture their personality or writing style. Additionally, the service is not free. While there is a free trial, you'll need to pay to continue using Coverler after the trial period ends.

Coverler does not offer a free trial, but they do provide a preview of the created letter before you pay. If you are serious about your job search, you might want to consider one of the paid plans. The Basic plan gives you 5 letters, while the Standard plan offers more features, including the option to have your letters polished by a recruiter. The Unlimited plan offers unlimited letters and recruiter services, which could be worth the investment if you're applying to a lot of jobs.

All in all, Coverler is a valuable resource for those who are serious about their job search. It comes at a cost but considering the benefits, it will be worth it for many job seekers.