Chatfuel Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Automate customer interactions and improve customer service.

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Automated customer responses

Lead generation and nurturing

Boosts marketing and sales

Chatfuel Pricing

Chatfuel is an AI-powered messaging platform designed specifically for e-commerce marketers and business owners. It offers a range of features and tools to help increase lead generation, qualification, upselling, cross-selling, and revenue on popular messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. To help you decide if Chatfuel is right for your business, let's dive into the pricing details.

Free Trial

Chatfuel offers a 7-day free trial for users to explore and experience the platform's capabilities. The free trial does not require any credit card information, making it easy for users to get started without any financial commitment.

Pricing Plans

Chatfuel provides different pricing plans to cater to the varying needs and budgets of its users. Let's take a closer look at the available plans and their respective features:

Facebook & Instagram Business Plan

  • Price: $11.99 per month
  • 500 conversations per month included
  • Extra conversations: $0.02 each


  • Direct messages
  • Click-to-Ads
  • Posts
  • Stories


  • Chatbots
  • Comments autoreply
  • Story replies
  • Story mentions
  • Keyword actions
  • ChatGPT
  • Re-engage messages
  • Re-engage history


  • Live chat
  • Shared inbox
  • Assigning agents
  • Mobile inbox app
  • Triggering flows from Live chat


  • Import and export contacts
  • Contact attributes
  • Audience segmentation


  • Google Sheets
  • ChatGPT
  • Stripe
  • Zapier

WhatsApp Business Plan

  • Price: $34.29 per month
  • 1000 conversations per month included
  • Extra conversations: $0.02 each


  • Official WhatsApp API
  • Website chat widget
  • WhatsApp link
  • Click-to-WhatsApp ads


  • Chatbots
  • Keyword actions
  • ChatGPT
  • Reengage
  • Reengage history


  • Live chat
  • Shared inbox
  • Assigning agents
  • Mobile inbox app
  • Triggering flows from Live chat


  • Import and export contacts
  • Contact attributes
  • Audience segmentation


  • Google Sheets
  • Zapier
  • Stripe
  • ChatGPT
  • Chatfuel API

Enterprise Plan

Chatfuel also offers an Enterprise Plan for users with more extensive requirements. The pricing for this plan starts from $300 and includes additional benefits such as a tailored plan, priority support, and a dedicated bot builder specialist. In addition to all the features available in the Business Plans, the Enterprise Plan offers:

  • Personal account manager
  • Bot building services (10 free hours)
  • Bulk pricing

Bot Building on Demand

For users who require a custom chatbot tailored to their specific use case, Chatfuel offers bot building services. The pricing for these services varies depending on the complexity and scale of the chatbot. Here are some rough estimates for different use cases:

Use Cases:

  • Lead generation: from $200
  • Lead qualification: from $200
  • Customer support: from $150
  • Answering FAQs: from $150
  • Gathering feedback: from $100
  • Re-engagement: from $100
  • Sales: from $500
  • Payment processing: from $200
  • Appointment scheduling: from $150


  • Google Sheets: from $100
  • Hubspot: from $100
  • Shopify: from $150
  • Zapier: from $100
  • CRM: from $100
  • API: from $100
  • Custom integration: from $100

Please note that these prices are rough estimates and the final cost will depend on the specific requirements of the chatbot and the scope of the project.

In summary, Chatfuel offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. From the free trial to the various Business Plans and the Enterprise Plan, users can choose the option that best aligns with their requirements. Additionally, Chatfuel provides bot building services for users who need custom chatbots, with pricing varying based on the specific use case and integrations required.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial