Arcwise Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Makes working with data in Google Sheets easy and efficient.

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Data cleaning feature

Data scraping feature

Arcwise Pricing

Arcwise offers two pricing plans for its users: Small Teams and Large Teams. These plans are designed to cater to different business needs and team sizes. Whether you are a small team or a large organization, Arcwise has a pricing plan that can accommodate your requirements.

Small Teams

The Small Teams plan is suitable for smaller teams or businesses that require basic functionality and have a limited number of users. This plan is priced at $400 per month, with an option for annual billing at a discounted rate of $300 per month. With the Small Teams plan, you get the following features:

  • 3 Seats: This plan allows up to three users to access and utilize the Arcwise platform. Each user can collaborate and work on spreadsheets using the AI-powered tools provided by Arcwise.
  • 1 Data Connection: You can connect your spreadsheets directly to data sources like Looker, Snowflake, and Netsuite. This enables you to fetch and analyze data from these sources within your spreadsheets effortlessly.
  • 1 Scheduled Workflow: Arcwise allows you to automate your workflows by scheduling tasks and actions within your spreadsheets. With the Small Teams plan, you can set up one scheduled workflow to streamline your processes.
  • 1 Saved Metric: You can save and track important business metrics within your spreadsheets using Arcwise. The Small Teams plan allows you to save one metric for easy monitoring and analysis.

Large Teams

For larger teams or organizations with more extensive requirements, Arcwise offers the Large Teams plan. This plan provides additional features and resources to support the needs of a larger user base. The Large Teams plan is priced at $750 per month, with an annual billing option available at a discounted rate of $600 per month. Here are the features included in the Large Teams plan:

  • 10 Seats: The Large Teams plan allows up to ten users to access and utilize the Arcwise platform. This enables larger teams to collaborate effectively and leverage the AI-powered tools provided by Arcwise.
  • 3 Data Connections: With the Large Teams plan, you can connect your spreadsheets to multiple data sources. This flexibility allows you to gather and analyze data from different sources simultaneously, enhancing your data-driven decision-making process.
  • Unlimited Scheduled Workflows: Automation is a key aspect of the Large Teams plan. You can set up and manage an unlimited number of scheduled workflows, enabling you to streamline complex processes and save time.
  • Unlimited Saved Metrics: Tracking and monitoring business metrics is crucial for making informed decisions. The Large Teams plan allows you to save and monitor an unlimited number of metrics within your spreadsheets, providing you with comprehensive insights.

Free Google Sheets Chrome Extension

In addition to the paid pricing plans, Arcwise also offers a free Chrome extension called AI Copilot for Google Sheets. This extension provides additional functionality to enhance your spreadsheet experience. It offers features such as data cleaning, formula assistance, sheet explanation, and web scraping. This extension can be a valuable tool for users who want to optimize their spreadsheet workflows without incurring any additional costs.


Arcwise offers two pricing plans, Small Teams and Large Teams, to cater to different team sizes and business requirements. The Small Teams plan is suitable for smaller teams and provides essential features at a competitive price point. The Large Teams plan offers additional resources and functionality to support larger teams and organizations. Additionally, Arcwise provides a free trial and a free Chrome extension, AI Copilot for Google Sheets, to allow users to explore the platform's capabilities and enhance their spreadsheet experience.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial