Andi Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Find, summarize, and explain information online.

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Answer questions

Summarize and explain information

Navigate and search the web

Andi Pricing

Andi is an AI-powered search assistant that aims to provide accurate, ad-free, and privacy-focused search results. It utilizes a unique combination of generative AI, live data, and semantic search technology to offer answers instead of just links. With Andi, you can ask questions, find, summarize, and explain information, as well as navigate and search the web. Best of all, Andi is currently completely free to use.

While Andi is currently free, the team behind this early-stage startup has plans to ensure its long-term sustainability. They are committed to building an awesomely useful product and have devised a freemium business model to fund Andi's development and operations.

The core functionality of Andi, anonymous search, will remain free for everyone indefinitely. This means that you can continue to use Andi to search the web without any cost or limitations. Andi's commitment to staying 100% advertising free ensures that your search results and recommendations are not influenced by commercial considerations or partnerships.

To cater to the needs of professionals and businesses, Andi will introduce paid plans in the future. These plans will offer additional features and benefits beyond the free anonymous search. While the exact details of these paid plans are not determined, it is reasonable to assume that they will include enhanced functionality and support for API use.

Professionals and businesses can leverage Andi's capabilities to access corporate information, making it a valuable tool for research, analysis, and decision-making. By offering paid plans, Andi aims to provide a premium experience to those who require advanced features and are willing to invest in the tool's extended capabilities.

Andi's vision extends beyond providing a useful search assistant. The team behind Andi is committed to creating a new economic model that shares search revenue fairly with content producers and media companies. They believe in the importance of supporting great content online and reducing media's reliance on invasive ad-tech.

By joining Andi's network, content producers and media companies have the opportunity to receive a share of the search revenue generated through the platform. This revenue sharing model is a pioneering concept that Andi has been committed to since its inception. The team intends to allocate a portion of their earnings from search revenue to fund and support content creators.

In summary, Andi is currently available for free, offering accurate and ad-free search results. While the core functionality of anonymous search will remain free indefinitely, Andi plans to introduce paid plans in the future to cater to the needs of professionals and businesses. These plans will provide additional features and support, making Andi a valuable tool for corporate information and research.

Furthermore, Andi is committed to sharing search revenue with content producers and media companies that join their network. This innovative approach aims to provide funding to great content and reduce the reliance on invasive ad-tech in the media industry.

As Andi continues to evolve, it strives to maintain its commitment to privacy, accuracy, and usefulness. By exploring sustainable revenue models and supporting content creators, Andi aims to provide a valuable search experience while contributing to the growth and development of online content.

  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial