Aiter Pricing, Plans and Cost Breakdown for 2024

Generate marketing content and strategy ideas with AI assistance.

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Ad and content generation

Strategy and SEO keyword tools

Customer persona and value proposition creation

Aiter Pricing

Aiter is a digital tool designed to assist individuals and organizations in creating marketing materials such as text ads, content, and SEO/PPC keywords. It is tailored to support bloggers, marketing professionals, and business owners in aligning their marketing efforts with their brand identity and objectives. Aiter offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate different needs and budgets. Below is a detailed overview of the available plans.

Pricing Plans Overview

Aiter provides four distinct pricing plans, each catering to different user requirements and scales of operation. These plans range from a no-cost option to more advanced subscriptions that offer a greater number of credits and additional features. Here's what each plan includes:

Free Plan

  • Price: $0 per month
  • Credits: 5 credits
  • Features:
    • Deep website scan

The Free plan is Aiter's most basic offering. It is designed for individuals who are new to the platform or those who have minimal requirements. With no cost involved, users can access the deep website scan feature and receive 5 credits to use towards generating marketing materials.

Begin Plan

  • Price: $9.97 per month
  • Credits: 37 credits per month
  • Features:
    • Deep website scan
    • Fast Chat Support

The Begin plan is a step up from the free option and is targeted at freelancers, startups, or small companies with one or two products. It provides more credits, allowing for the creation of additional content, and includes fast chat support for quicker assistance.

Advance Plan

  • Price: $29.97 per month
  • Credits: 277 credits per month
  • Features:
    • Deep website scan
    • Fast Chat Support

The Advance plan is suitable for small marketing agencies or individuals with a higher demand for marketing content. It offers a significant increase in credits, which can be used across multiple campaigns, and continues to provide fast chat support.

Conquer Plan

  • Price: $99.77 per month
  • Credits: 1007 credits per month
  • Features:
    • Deep website scan
    • Fast Chat Support

The Conquer plan is Aiter's most comprehensive package. It is designed for large marketing agencies or companies that manage numerous campaigns simultaneously. This plan offers the highest number of credits, ensuring that users can maximize their use of Aiter's services, along with the benefit of fast chat support.


Aiter's pricing structure is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from individuals just starting out to large agencies with extensive needs. The Free plan offers a way to test the platform's basic capabilities, while the paid plans provide increased credits and support for more intensive use. Each plan is tailored to the scale and frequency of marketing campaigns its users are likely to run.

Starting price


  • Free plan
  • Paid
  • Free trial